Category: People and animals

Sexiest sports presenters and reporters

Today we look at some of the most prominent and sexiest women reporters, sports presenters and columnists for various sports channel networks around the world. Below is a list of beautiful women, which we will gradually update. So, before us are the sexiest sports ...

Who has the biggest eggs in nature

In addition to birds, many representatives of amphibians and reptiles also lay eggs. All of them differ in structure and size, as well as in the incubation period. In our short review, we will present the largest eggs laid by birds, as well as some species of animals. 1 Epiornis On ...

The most famous migratory birds of Russia

In the vast expanses of Russia nests more than 780 species of birds. A third of them are migratory, or, as they are also called ornithologists, migratory. With the onset of cold weather, such species leave their native places, and spend the winter in warm places. Our short review presents the most famous ...

The best divers among animals breathing air

The animal world is not always in a hurry to share its secrets with a person. But still, studies are being conducted that open the mysterious curtains. Let's try to analyze such unusual scientific reports of zoologists to find out which divers among animals have the best qualities. The rating includes ...

The smallest snakes in the world

Graceful creatures settled on all continents of the planet. There are no snakes only among the ice of the Antarctic and in the harsh white silence of the Far North. They are all different, but in all zoological science knows about more than 2,500 species of snakes. We will try to understand this diversity and find out what are the most interesting ...

The largest breeds of ducks

As with the breeding of other species of poultry, two factors are distinguished in duck breeding - early maturity and egg production. Most farmers around the world, because of the popularity of chicken eggs in cooking, prefer to breed duck meat breeds, paying attention to the time of muscle mass gain. ...

The largest cockroaches in the world

Cockroaches settled around the globe, and during the course of evolution they easily adapted to various living conditions. We are annoyed by ginger Prusaks and black cockroaches, sometimes attacking our homes, but there are more terrifying views in the world. Together with we will go on a journey around the planet to find out ...

The most famous Russian NHL hockey players

Since childhood, we all know the words of the song that a coward does not play hockey. The favorite game of millions causes controversy among sports historians about the time and place of origin of this sports game. Canadians believe that it originated in Montreal when the first official match was played in this city. Whatever ...

The best Russian basketball players in the history of the NBA

The birthday of basketball can be considered December 21, 1891. On this day, college teacher James Naismith, to diversify the lesson, tied baskets from peaches to the railing of the gym, and dividing the students into two teams, invited them to throw a ball into these baskets. At the beginning ...

The most poisonous spider in the world and its "comrades"!

Among all the inhabitants of the earth, spiders have an unusual, even frightening appearance, and can live in various conditions: from deserts to tropical forests. Nature has endowed spiders with a large number of legs, with the help of which they move quickly, the ability to weave cobwebs, and also, some of them are endowed ...

The sexiest haute couture models. Hot and beautiful

It is very difficult to take and make a choice in favor of ten models out of 10 million girls working in the haute couture industry. It is difficult to single out the sexiest among very cute, charismatic and hot models. In the photo: Kendall Jenner. However, we found several girls who are attracted ...

The largest breeds of geese

Any farmer who decides to start growing geese faces a problem: size or precocity? These two factors influence the choice of breed of geese. Is it worth it to get the largest breeds of geese? What disadvantages do they have? You will learn in this article. In the world there are about 80 species that grow ...

The largest lizards in the world

Lizards are one of the most ancient animals on the planet, which have preserved their unusual archaic appearance during evolution. Unlike snakes, which also belong to scaly reptiles, lizards have developed limbs. Most species are omnivores, and enjoy eating as a plant, ...

The largest scolopendras in the world

On the planet, there are more than 8,000 species of scolopendra, of which many are poisonous and can harm human health when bitten. At the sight of this creature, not the most pleasant sensations arise, because their appearance is quite frightening. These arthropods live in different parts of the planet, and even found ...

The largest crocodiles in the world

Crocodile is a large predator, the only surviving representative of a subclass of archosaurs that lived on the earth's surface and in bodies of water millions of years ago. Most of these large dinosaurs became extinct during the Cenozoic period, but the crocodiles survived, and their closest relatives on earth are considered as ...

The most dangerous snakes in the world

People who have encountered snakes in the wild are unlikely to forget this moment of their life. But for many, this meeting becomes fatal and last. So, our today's story will turn out in the form of a small warning, although many now contain snakes at home. From biology lessons to us ...

The best comedians of the USSR

Soviet comedies are a whole cultural layer not only in domestic but also in world cinema. Talented directors filmed truly masterpieces in sparkling scenarios, and all this was complemented by a great game of actors. In cinema, it is believed that playing in comedy is much more difficult than in tragedy. ...

Oh, these beautiful 50 year old women

In the Oscar-winning Soviet film directed by Vladimir Menshov, the phrase sounds that at the age of 40, life is just beginning. But let's see what the stars of the world and Russian show business looked like in their 50s. We tried to find beautiful pictures of 50-year-old stars and that’s what we got. The most ...

The largest breeds of chickens

The average person rarely wonders how chicken meat gets into the store and on the dining table. But breeders are constantly working on the productivity of breeds of chickens, increasing their mass, especially for meat breeds. Over the past 100 years, new large breeds of chickens have been bred that should provide people ...

The largest animals in the world

The animal world is beautiful and diverse. And each species is unique and inimitable in nature. Many thousands of years ago, a man tamed certain species, and they became his faithful helpers in everyday life and work. Some fulfill a purely decorative role and decorate our lives. Wildlife is surprising, but at the same time ...